Career + Money

Understanding Resistance Archetypes with Joanna Lindenbaum

I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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I am literally on the edge of my seat as I write this – I’m SO excited to get this episode into your hands!!

I recently had the honor of hosting MY business coach, the masterful Joanna Lindenbaum, on The Aligned Female Entrepreneur podcast!

In today’s episode, we talk about one of the most critical concepts to understand as a business owner or coach – RESISTANCE.

Understanding resistance is THE KEY to being able to:

  • facilitate consistent, transformative results for your clients
  • charge higher prices with ease
  • receive countless referrals and re-enrollments
  • make your sales conversations highly impactful and high-converting
  • and TRULY make a difference (because you know what it takes to create change – in your own life and the lives of others!)
Learning this ONE concept from Joanna personally helped me to triple my business in one year (after feeling stuck for 8!), lead powerful group programs (after being TERRIFIED everyone would turn on me or I wouldn’t know all the answers), grow my team (after years of thinking I needed to “do it all myself”) and in turn I developed a sense of unshakeable confidence in my ability to help my clients get the results they really wanted.


You can learn more about Joanna at the links below.

As always, I LOVE hearing from you… what are you taking from today’s episode? Comment below or email me at

P.S. Do you want to set up your profitable business foundation to bring in consistent $5-10K months? I’ve put together a free in-depth training for you! You can register HERE.


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Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

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When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


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