Today’s episode is an honest look at what my business is looking like “after baby.” I’m going to peel back the curtain and share how I am able to make a full-time income in about 20 hours a week.
So whether you are planning for a baby, have a family + a business to juggle, or you just want to streamline things in your business to make a full-time income in part-time hours- this is for you.
(P.S. If you’re curious how I set up my business to run without me so I could take a 5 month paid maternity leave as a solopreneur check out Episode 10: How I am Preparing My Business For Maternity Leave)
I also talk all about my pregnancy journey in Episode 11 and how I manifested my man and our little family after being told my whole life I’d have trouble conceiving and then finding myself single and starting over at 35. It’s a good one!
Today I just want to riff about what business and life are looking like on the other side of giving birth to our little human, Chloe Mae.
I had a pretty rugged first trimester, so in essence I have been running my business for over a year now – from early pregnancy until now 5 months postpartum working part time.
And honestly, it’s been the best thing for my business.
You know I’m all about a simple sustainable business, but more than ever before, I just don’t have time or energy for things that don’t matter.
For our business, that is anything that is not:
1) serving our current clients powerfully OR
2) creating our next paying clients.
Babies are incredible boundary makers in business.
You just can’t waste time or energy on the small stuff.
If you do nothing else from this training, I want you to write those 2 things on a sticky note and put it where you can see it daily.
When you sit down to work or you want to prioritize things day to day, THIS IS IT.
Ask yourself… is this thing:
1) serving our current clients powerfully OR
2) creating our next paying clients?
SO what does this look like in real life?
Right now we have childcare for just 2 days a week, so I’m going to share with you how I run my entire six-figure business in 2 days a week (plus a little work between naps 🙂)…
I currently work with a handful of 1:1 clients, and I am on zoom calls coaching about 5 hours a week.
I spend about 2-3 hours each week focused on connecting with new clients, which for us looks like creating a new podcast each week that we turn into a newsletter for my email list and an Instagram post.
We also run a few Facebook ads to build our email list and I make direct connections with people on Instagram or in real life, which is all building our community and potential client base.
So basically the only things I NEED to do each week are show up for my calls and write and record the podcast.
My virtual assistant Brenda then takes the podcast recording and notes and creates the blog post, sends the newsletter and posts on Instagram.
And then there is running my business which I do throughout the week which includes Voxering with my Assistant, and 1:1 clients, answering emails, random meetings with my accountant or other people, planning out our next launches, improving systems and programs, etc.
This all takes about 5 hours a week, and often happens when I am out on walks, between naps, on the Peloton, or doing errands,
In total, serving current clients, creating new clients, and running the business takes about 15 hours of my time.
Since being back from maternity leave we brought in about $13k in 3 weeks just through 1:1 work and will be re-launching The Aligned Female Entrepreneur in a few months which brings in an additional $10k a month, so we are right back on track for hitting six-figures in the next 12 months. Again, check out how we set the business up for this in episode 10.
So whether you are just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while and just really want to streamline things so that you can take a maternity leave, or a sabbatical, or just create more SPACE…
I really want to encourage you to start simplifying your business and daily tasks by focusing on serving your current clients powerfully, and connecting with potential clients.
These are the most important things to prioritize to make the most money in the least amount of time.
And, of course, we didn’t get to this place in my business overnight.
You need to have a solid foundation in place:
- Clarity in your business, what you do, who you serve, and what you sell
- A website and social media or marketing presence that creates connections with potential clients around the clock
- High-value services and offers that you can charge top dollar for that people are excited to invest in because they get such amazing results
- A way to accept payments, especially recurring payments so you have money constantly coming in the door
- Support – from a Virtual Assistant or someone who can manage the day to do so you can stay in your zone of genius
- Automations and systems, for us our courses and content provide a TON of value without me needing to do a ton of work on the delivery
SO if you are thinking, well damn how do I do all THAT? Please consider joining us in The Aligned Female Entrepreneur – where I walk you through EXACTLY how to build a sustainable, scalable business foundation so you can free up your time and energy to live your LIFE while making a great living.
Read all the testimonials and success stories and learn more at or
Talk to you next week!
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