Spirituality + Purpose

The Party Trick That Will Save the World

I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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Today I want to tell you a little about the party trick I used to do out at bars in college…which has kind of become my full-time job now…

(No, it’s not exotic dancing or anything like that!!)

When I went out, I would ask people, “What would you do if money wasn’t an obstacle? What do you really love?”


The answers I got were incredible. They astounded me.

And I began to see that most people wanted the same types of things.

Watch the video below for more on what I learned from my party trick.



Now I'd love to hear from you

  1. What is the one thing that you want to do with your life – the thing you would do if you could do anything? If you’re feeling brave, share in the comments below.

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Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

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When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


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