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How to Lose Belly Fat Fast (plus exercises!)

I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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I think all of us have “that place” on our body where we tend to hold onto weight, or gain it the quickest.

You know the spot I’m talking about… it’s almost like you can see it growing before your eyes when you over indulge at dinner, or fall off the exercise bandwagon for a few days (ok, or weeks…months…you get the idea).

For me it’s always been my belly.

For years I had a pretty awful relationship with that area between my bottom ribs and the top of my jeans.

Most days I would stand sideways in front of a mirror and lift my shirt up…my eyes would immediately zero in on it, thinking “Ugh. Seriously? Why am I so bloated today? Or “Oh God, what have I DONE? (that pasta last night was such a bad idea, or why did I have to go back for seconds at the buffet, etc etc)? It’s just…so…BIG. I need to cut back. I need to do something. NOW.”

I’d imagine having to do endless crunches, giving up my weekly dinner dates, or having to go on a diet.

Needless to say I would get immediately overwhelmed, pull my shirt down and either 1. completely ignore the problem or 2. start being really “good” for a meal or two then resort back to my old habits (AKA On the couch. In my comfy pants. Netflix. Thai take out.)

Do you ever look in the mirror at your belly fat (or some other part) and make an automatic judgement of how you are doing? If this resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

If you are looking for some effective (yet counterintuitive) exercises to lose belly fat fast, then keep reading. Understanding these key insights will allow you get on with your day without this crazy mind game running, PLUS I’ll show you how to look 10 pounds thinner in 2 seconds flat.

Reason 1: The Energetics Behind Belly Fat

The solar plexus (aka belly area) is the home of a powerful energetic center, or manipura chakra as it’s called in Sanskrit. Many ancient healing practices note that this is the center of one’s power (otherwise known as prana, chi, or qi).

This energetic center is said to be the epicenter of our self will, empowerment, and our ability to fully show up in the world. When this area is energetically blocked we feel stuck, unable to fully express our potential, and feel powerless over our lives.

Often when we feel stagnant or feel heavy in the belly area we are experiencing an energetic block – which inhibits our power from flowing forth, and causes us to feel like we aren’t living to our true potential.

What we may experience as “ugh, I really need to lose weight” may really your intuitive messages getting lost in translation. What might your body really be expressing?

When we learn to listen deeper it might sound more like: “I’m stuck, I’m not living as the person I want to be, I feel powerless, I doubt myself, I want to change but fear that I can’t.”

No wonder we feel a sense of feeling “stuck” or “weighed down” when we tap into to this part of ourselves! (But have no fear, I’ll show you how to fix that in just a sec).

If this sounds a little too woo-woo, consider this: in a study on Stress-Induced Cortisol Response and Fat Distribution in Women, researchers found that belly fat in women is directly linked to cortisol excretion. Cortisol is a stress hormone that triggers the body to store fat. (AKA: stress > cortisol release > belly fat storage).

What they also noted was that women with higher belly fat were more likely to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of external stressors and showed less outward anger than women with lower belly fat, which indicates that suppressed emotions and stress caused by the inability to change your external circumstances is linked with stored belly fat.

Bottom line – exerting more power in your life and decreasing the stress will help you lose belly fat.

Reason 2: Belly Fat is a Buffer Between the “Real You” and the World

A great way to keep ourselves stuck is to indulge in an epic struggle with food and weight.

You heard that right. When we are constantly focused on weight loss or changing our physical body we don’t need to deal with the bigger stuff like what’s not being said in our relationships or what’s missing in our lives.

Holding onto physical weight can often dull the intensity of living as your most vibrant self. It keeps you small, and helps things feel safe and predictable.

Because I’ve seen this happen over and over again with my clients I’ve developed a theory on this: your belly fat is proportionate to the extent you distance your deepest desires from the world.

Say what?? Ok. Hear me out…

The more we live a life out of alignment with our potential the more fat we accumulate.

And time and time again when I witness my clients living bigger in their lives, their belly fat gets smaller and smaller. You might be saying “wait a second, c’mon, isn’t this about calories in and out?”

In a way, yes. The more full you feel in your life, the less you fill up on bagels, donuts and ice cream.

Do you want desperately to leave your job? To have a more intimate relationship? To live more wild and free?

Where might you be unconsciously harboring a dream or desire that you have yet to share with the world?

The more I stayed in a job I hated and allowed stress to overtake my life, the more I ate the bagels and the gained weight. Yet every time I looked in the mirror I told myself I needed to the lose belly fat before my life would get better.

It turns out that I had it wrong for all those years: my life didn’t suck because I was fat, I was fat because my life sucked.

For years I dreamed of being an artist and a yoga teacher even though I had a fancy marketing management job. When I finally did my teacher training I lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks. When I quit my job I lost 15 more.

Reason 3: We Desire Core Strength

Ok this might sound a little silly, but for my whole adolescent to adult life I wanted a flat toned belly. In that number of years, guess how many times I actually committed to doing more than 2 days in a row of crunches, or core-strengthening exercise?

Honestly, I think it was probably zero.

As it turns out: if nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES.

Often when we look at a flabby part of our body we wish it to be different but we AREN’T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

The fastest way to lose belly fat is to start taking ACTION now. You can’t burn belly fat by thinking about it in your mind, the “burn,” (AKA transformation from matter to energy) comes from taking action.

It turns out that the disconnect between insight and action is enough to make us feel defeated, let down, and trapped (see reason 1 and 2 for why you need to change this QUICK).

We think we want a slender mid section, but what we really want is to have trust in ourselves – to know that we are capable of getting what we want, that we have the power to change, and that we can follow through on our commitments.

Belly fat can be a reminder that we’ve let ourselves down. And when that reflects back to us in the mirror, we often don’t like what we see.

So let’s put an end to this now, shall we?

Here are 3 simple exercises to be Lose Belly Fat Fast While strengthening your core from the inside out.

(PLUS #3 will have you look like you lost 10 pounds instantly (woo-hoo)!)

1. Connect to Your Core Power

Write down 3 goals that you have for your life. What do you dream of? What do you desire? What do you want your life to stand for? Who do you want to be? Now take that vision and choose 1-3 things you can do THIS WEEK to move you in that direction.

2. Turn Insight into Action

Elevate your energy, remove old blocks, and re-inhabit your strength and power! (Plus burn belly fat in the process!)

Breath deep into your belly, allow it to fully release (don’t worry about who will see). Now flex your ab muscles right now (or for bonus points drop and give me 10 crunches!) feel this part of you getting stronger. Feel the heat, the energy, the transformation that you are creating right now, this very second. Know that you are getting stronger every day.

How will you commit to strengthening this part of you daily? How can you show it some loving attention rather than shaming it? Can you do 20 sit ups before you go to bed and when you wake up? Again this isn’t about burning calories, it’s about strengthening the core of your potential. How will you take action to create the strength you desire?

3. Harness Your Energy (and Look Good Doing It!)

This simple trick will help you look 5-10 pounds thinner in under 2 seconds flat.

Most women tilt their pelvis forward when standing, which makes your belly spill out as well as your energy. Here is how to zip it up so you can engage and harness your solar plexus energy and look long and slim through your mid section!

First take a deep breath in and let your belly completely relax out. Next, stand tall keeping a slight bend in your knees (not locked), tilt your pelvis straight up, tailbone extends down. Engage your core muscles. Roll your shoulders back and extend the tailbone down a little more as you engage your behind slightly and extend your spine nice and tall (keeping your core engaged). Take a little walk around the room and notice how different you feel!



What from this post resonated with you the most? What was most helpful? Which of the above action steps will you commit to following through on TODAY? Let us know in the comments below. Accountability is one of the strongest motivators to action!

With love,


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  1. Shawnna says:

    As always, thank you for your wonderful insight! It is such a breath of fresh air. xoxo

    • Krissy Ruddy says:

      Thanks so much for your comment Shawna! You inspire me. I’ve seen you undergo your own transformation over these past few years and feel so good knowing we are doing this work together. Keep it up sister and let me know how I can support you along the way! xoxo

  2. Andrea Mieses says:

    Good for you to put yourself out there! Our image of ourselves is a highly influenced subjective jumping bean. I love reading your blog and relate to this piece completely. Accountability, positivism, and breath you say? Okay! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    • Krissy Ruddy says:

      YES Andrea – that goshdarn jumping bean, ya know?! haha 🙂 Thanks so much for this comment. Curious, which piece are you going to put into practice this week?

  3. I strongly believe that chakra meditation is so much effective in our body fitness, mental and also for spiritual energy. Great article. Nice for sharing.

  4. Ria says:

    THIS is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much, I need to release my chakra on my belly and become more of me. I’ve done this since January and can see it’s gone down a lot, will use tips ❤️

    • Krissy Leonard says:

      Hi Rahima! Thanks for your comment 🙂 I love that you are resonating with this approach and sounds like you already have some great insights and gaining momentum – keep going! Xo krissy

  5. Kate says:

    Hey Krissy
    This is by far the awesome-est article I have come across on this topic. The connection you have tried to establish is deep but upon self reflection, makes so much sense!

    Thanks a ton for sharing! God bless.

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    Jennifer Corbitt
    Vetted Business Report Specialist
    295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201
    Charleston, SC 29492

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    Jennifer Corbitt
    Vetted Business Report Specialist
    295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201
    Charleston, SC 29492

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    Jennifer Corbitt
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    Yours in trust & transparency,

    Jennifer Corbitt
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    Jennifer Corbitt
    Vetted Business Report Specialist
    295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201
    Charleston, SC 29492

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  33. Johnathan Maclean says:

    Good People + Smart Processes + Working Capital = The Recipe for Business Success.

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  34. Melanie Beavers says:

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    Yours in trust & transparency,

    Jennifer Corbitt
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    Charleston, SC 29492

  35. Tommie Mickey says:

    Rising business expenses continue to take a toll on small business owners.

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    Lauren Smith
    HelloRates Fast Funding USA
    Commercial & Business working capital with affordable payments, lowest rates, & best terms

  36. Lukas Morrell says:

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    Jennifer Corbitt
    Vetted Business Report Specialist
    295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201
    Charleston, SC 29492

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    Think this won’t help you win the sale ? Think again.
    You will have a 63% higher chance of winning the sale when you share a Vetted Business Credentials Report with prospects.

    Get Vetted and dominate your local market
    See how Vetted can SUPERCHARGE your business with a No RISK 30 DAY FREE TRIAL
    See link in my profile to learn more or to get started.


    Jennifer Corbitt
    Vetted Business Report Specialist
    295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201
    Charleston, SC 29492

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Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

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When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


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