For those of you who know me, or have followed me for some time you know I had a tumultuous relationship with food and my body for decades before I finally got to the root and healed it… resulting in a 50 lb weight loss and a totally new life.
So it was really interesting to notice how some familiar old patterns came up after gaining over 65 pounds during my pregnancy.
In today’s episode, I get really vulnerable and share what it is like to make peace with my body again after the baby.
If you have struggled with your relationship with food or your body, or have tried allll the diets but nothing seemed to work, or you’ve found yourself in a new season of life and want some practical steps to take to make a meaningful shift, then this is for you.
I got into detail in the podcast, so definitely give it a listen if this resonates with you. Below are the pieces I touch on and some questions and practices that you can start integrating into your own life to create change.
1) Get Clear on your Vision for your Body and Life
This is the root of EVERYTHING. If you don’t take action in alignment with how you ultimately want to feel, and who you want to BE, it’s easy to do a ton of “things” but not see the big shift you want.
ACTION STEP: If you aren’t sure how to do visioning work to manifest the reality that you want, check out my free training HERE.
2) Water On Repeat
When I tapped into “future me” she was allll about the hydration. When I started bringing in huge ball jars of water, my weight finally started to shift.
ACTION STEP: Try bringing in hot lemon water in the morning and hydrate – hydrate – hydrate all day long. Don’t be afraid to have multiple drinks at a time 🙂
3) Counteract Stress and Cravings
We go deep into the “fat trap” cycle that so easily can get you stuck without knowing it in the podcast (be sure to listen to the whole thing!) But basically, stress creates cravings for sugar and carbs. Then we feel like sh*t about ourselves for eating those foods which create more stress, and more cravings.
Additionally, when we’re stressed, we release cortisol, which triggers our body to store those extra calories as fat.
So stress = more cravings for fatty, sugary, carby foods and then stores it as fat.
ACTION STEP: to break free… slowing down and practicing deep breathing is KEY (I guide you through how to do this in the podcast recording above :))
4) Making Peace With Your Body
The kicker is that saying you’re not where you want to be, that time is running out, that nothing’s changed, or just generally being a bitch to yourself ALSO releases cortisol, which creates more cravings, weight gain, and added stress! Wild, right? SO the antidote for the “fat trap” is to create a more peaceful mind and more empowered mindset.
ACTION STEP: Practice using a mantra when you feel yourself reverting to self-judgment. Some of my favs are in the podcast, but one that I really like right now is “I’m not where I wanna be but I’m on my way.”
5) Checking in With The “Manager” and The “Rebel”
We all have these two sides to our personality – The Manager who wants to control, organize, buckle down, diet, cleanse, do it all and do it all right etc. and The Rebel who says “fuck it” let’s eat the thing, get the bottle of wine, start over again Monday, eat all the things, skip the workouts…you get the idea.
The key to getting out of the dieting/binging rollercoaster and making peace with your body and cultivating aligned habits comes down to how to interact with these two sides of your personality and how to tap into your Higher Self, who always knows what to do, and who approaches things with a lot more chill.
(NOTE: This work is LIFE CHANGING – I spell it all out in the podcast. It is 100% worth a listen)
ACTION STEP: Check in with self daily – how am I feeling? What am I needing? Often our intuition is right on and knows exactly how to take the next right action without going to extremes.
6) Movement as Medicine
I’m learning how to take the pressure off and move my body in a way that feels good, that challenges me in fun and creative ways, but that ultimately makes me CRAVE it rather than wanting to avoid it. Dance, spinning, yoga, walks in nature all FUEL ME.
Move because it feels good, and it makes you strong, and you will never want to go without it.
ACTION STEP: Create an awesome playlist and choose a movement practice you love. Results WILL follow.
7) When All Else Fails Practice Pleasure
Enjoy the fuck out of your food. Breathe, make some oooos and ahhhs, slow down and receive the nourishment, praise your body, enjoy her for all her incredible qualities and abilities, and have FUN. Pleasure demands our full attention. When you let yourself off the hook and fully enjoy the choices, you make it automatically brings you back into alignment with your higher self.
ACTION STEP: Whatever you choose to do, do it with joy, love, and pleasure. Practice our mantra “this gets to be easy” or “this gets to be fun” and notice how dramatically things change for the better 🙂
Loving this content? Ready to heal your relationship with food and your body AND get into amazing shape in the process?
Check out Food Freedom, I LOVE this course. It guides you step-by-step through the practical steps and deep inner work needed to transform your body and reclaim your power and energy to elevate your life.
Talk to you next week!
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