Two years ago at this time I was stuck in a job that was sucking my soul. I had gotten a horrible cold/flu SEVEN times that winter because I was so stressed out. I was 15 pounds heavier and unclear on what I was doing with my life.
I knew deep down that I was meant to do something bigger, more meaningful, to use my experience and drive to help people in a way that felt in alignment with my heart, not just a gig with good benefits and a solid paycheck.
I was fresh out of nutrition school, confused on what direction to go and how I was going to transition into doing work I loved. I knew SO much but didn’t know how I could possibly be able to tie it all together into a career that would get women the results I knew they deserved.
I was terrified I would f$*# it up (to be blunt). I thought if I went for what I REALLY wanted in life I might completely fail. And if I did, I thought it would somehow prove to my family, my friends, my co-workers that all these years my dreams, my desires, what I thought was possible… would have all been a lie.
But you know what? I went for it anyways.
I would love to say it was because I was brave or something honorable like that but honestly I was just so immensely curious to find out if all this talk about “following your heart” and “manifesting your desires” and “we all have a higher purpose” was true or if it was total bulls$*#.
I needed to know: was I lying to my yoga students when I touted these claims in class? Was I lying to myself? If I did jump would there really be this *magical* net that would catch my fall?
I was determined to find out. So I did.
Fast forward to this past weekend.
I was in New York City, in Greenwich Village, eating avocado toast, and drinking champagne with Madonna’s personal trainer, Nicole Winhoffer.
We were sharing our visions for helping more women and collaborating on something big for you in the New Year. (Hint: it combines dance, hip-hop, targeted toning, chakra work, slamming hot results and big-time mind-body transformation – STAY TUNED!!!)
In less than 2 years I’ve been able to build a successful coaching practice, got in the best shape (physically and mentally) that I’ve been in in my life and created a unique system that delivers remarkable results for the women I work with.
Collectively my clients have lost hundreds of pounds of weight – and they too are living lives they before only dreamed of.
So what changed? And most importantly how can YOU start getting on track to experiences similar results?
Here are my 4 TOP TIPS for creating massive change in your body and your life plus a special gift just for you!
One of the first questions I ask a new client is “what do you want?” It’s amazing how many of us don’t clearly know what we want.
We know what we *don’t want* to be doing but are unclear on what we want to replace that with.
SO, what you need to do is get all Olivia Pope on your a$$ ask yourself point blank what the outcome is you want in your life. And do. not. lie. (if you aren’t a fan of Scandal forgive me but I think you get the point either way :)).
Bottom line: it’s time to decide.
I knew I wanted something more so instead of wishing I decided. I will have more. I will have a successful business helping women change their lives. And I committed myself to going out and making it happen.
When I was sitting with Nicole she talked about how she creates 5 new dance moves every single day. She practices her craft and has become an expert as a result of her efforts – from winning dance competitions as a grade schooler to getting her first Broadway gig at 16. Now she’s positioned to take her brand global and revolutionize the fitness industry.
When I began to focus daily on elevating my health and mastering my craft (not just sitting on my butt Googling how to do it), everything shifted.
It’s one thing to have a dream, but we need to honor our dreams by SHOWING UP FOR THEM DAILY.
Dreams are built, not just born.
So if you want to quit your job? Guess what? It’s time to stop thinking about it and find out what training or budget or exit plan you need to make it happen and start today on the first step. Do you want to teach yoga or dance? Practice daily. Want to lose weight? Change one unhealthy habit each week and stop at nothing to see it through.
Here’s the thing. We think WE are in charge of our lives and outcomes but the truth is there is also magic and grace working for us as well. As stated you need to SHOW UP. But there is also a point where you need to get out of the way.
When I connected with Nicole I’d been praying for someone to come into my life that would be able to guide my clients to incredible physical results while keeping in alignment with my message. Then Nicole popped into my life (after all, the universe works through Instagram too!). My thinking mind wouldn’t have imagined I’d be collaborating with such an amazing person but grace knows no bounds and when you are open to magic anything becomes possible.
So once your vision is set and you show up and work for it EXPECT it to be even better than you could have imagined. EXPECT that you will figure it out, and KNOW that you don’t need to do it all alone.
Which brings me to STEP 4 – GET SUPPORT.
I can’t stress enough how I wish I found coaching sooner in my life. I spent over 10 years trying to get to where I got easily in just 2.
It’s because I invested in myself and realized that successful people aren’t working in a vacuum wishing things to be different. They Beyoncé didn’t become Beyoncé just through talent alone. She hired managers, trainers, coaches, hair and makeup professionals, stylists. She got the support she needed to become who she wanted to be.
Nicole is kicking ass in the fitness industry but still gets support in her life and business and this makes all the difference.
I am running a successful coaching business that gets women results because I went out and got the training necessary to make that happen.
Stop expecting things to just hopefully one day work out. Seek out others that HAVE the results you want or who DO what what want to be able to do and enlist them to help you do the same. This will save you YEARS of your life.
Alright my beautiful friends! Take a deep breath. You just got a hefty download of some tough love and truth. Let it all sink in. I hope these tips inspire you to get into action and make the life and body you want possible in 2016. I want more than anything for you to know in your heart you are living life as the highest version of yourself. We need you and your gifts in this world.
Here’s the thing – I don’t just wish this for you, I want to make it a done deal.
As a special surprise gift to you this holiday I am offering a FREE 30 minute SPARK Session for every woman in this community that is ready to take her life, health, and energy to the next level.
No strings, no obligations. This is the real deal. This is a $97 value and it’s yours – you jut need to step up and claim it.
We’ll talk one-on-one over the phone, you’ll get my full attention and insight into your unique challenges, and I’ll give you a personalized action plan get you moving forward. You’ll enter the new year feeling inspired, clear, and confident knowing exactly what has been holding you back PLUS what to do to move forward.
These WILL get booked up fast though so act NOW if you want to want to get into the best shape of your life this year: body, mind and spirit.
It’s time.
HERE’s HOW TO Book your FREE SPARK Session:
- Click over to my scheduling page here
- Choose a 30 minute SPARK Session at a time that works for you.
- I’ll send you my number and a confirmation via email.
- We’ll talk!
I truly hope you take advantage of this gift. Remember you DO NOT need to figure it all out alone. I can’t WAIT to talk with you one-on-one and support you in your health, fitness, and weight loss goals for the coming year!!!
Happy holidays and BIG love,
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