Spirituality + Purpose

When Manifesting Doesn’t Go As Planned

I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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I want to share with you a little story.

When I moved to Kauai I had a dream of owning a gold Toyota Tacoma pick-up truck. I looked on Craigslist daily.

I found one right off the bat and thought for sure I had found “the one.” The people selling it even had statues of Ganesha in their home and amazing energy – so of course I thought, “This is Spirit telling me this is the one.”

Then I got it looked at by my mechanic. It was a lemon. Full of rust and issues just a few months down the line. I was heartbroken. What did it all mean? It worked out so easily, this HAD to have been my truck.

But I passed. I looked and looked and nothing else came. I held the vision of my gold truck and did my due diligence checking out cars. I almost bought one and it broke down in the driveway right before I handed over my money. Whyyyyy I thought? What was the universe trying to tell me?

Here’s the deal: sometimes manifesting doesn’t go as expected.

So, I held the faith.

Coming down to the wire I said to Spirit, “Ok, I know I am meant for a gold pickup truck, I see it, I feel it, I’m ready. Please hear that I need one now… I am going to fly to Maui to pick up this black one, BUT if you show me my gold pickup truck by tomorrow I will gladly get that one instead.”

The next morning I looked on Craigslist and right there front and center was my perfect gold pick-up – with a cab too! I cancelled the other purchase and called up the name on the ad. I was afraid it was going to be complicated, but said a prayer it would be easy. I got there and it ended up being a guy I had met before – the whole thing went seamlessly. And now I have my baby.

Here’s what you need to know about manifesting –

1. You need to hold the faith

Even when full body workout it doesn’t look good. Hold the faith.

2. The universe responds to clarity.

I needed to keep the vision in my mind for weeks for it to happen.

3. The universe responds to your ENERGY as well as your words.

I was honestly a little frantic and making it all pretty complicated so the universe brought more of that in. When I let go and really leaned into receiving, it showed up instantly.


Manifesting is an art and a science.

It’s something I’ve studied for the last 15 years and have made a habit – that’s why I have the life and success I’ve had. It’s not complicated. It’s a step by step process and it’s worked for me over and over in my life.

Yet I see too many spiritual, heart-centered women struggle to manifest what they want in their lives. But here’s the bottom line: you CAN manifest the life you desire. When you have the right steps, in the right order, you can make magic happen in your life.

This is why I am so passionate about getting these tools into the hands of more awakened women.

You may have heard about my upcoming live, in person event in Burlington, VT MANIFEST: 5 steps to creating the income and impact you desire. If you can make it in person – BE THERE. It’s going to be epic.

If you can’t make it – I have a special treat for you! I have decided to host a special virtual deep dive online October 24th 4pm PST / 7pm EST (2 hours). I’ll be sharing more info in the coming weeks.

You will not want to miss this one.

There will be no replay – it will only be free once so mark your calendar and keep an eye out for more details.

Can’t wait to make some magic together!


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Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

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When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


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