Today I want to share some of my personal story with you.
Anyone who knows me well, knows my obsession with three basic things: connecting with other women, eating and cooking amazing food, and practicing yoga. But it took me a long time to figure out that secret formula for myself.
I used to wake up each morning dreading the day. I would instantly feel a pang of anxiety in my chest and I would think to myself “Shit. It’s another day and I still feel like this.”
I would walk over to my closet and look for something to wear. The frustration would set in. Everything was too tight, reminded me of my long-ago “skinny days” and made me feel like I was trying to stuff a frumpy sleeping back into a tailored sack.
So, I literally wore the same pair of brown, flowy, elastic-waist pants 5 days out of the week for two years straight. It got to the point that my friends were like “ok Krissy, you’re wearing ‘the pants’ again…”
It was kind of funny but also made me feel totally embarrassed deep down. What they didn’t realize is that I actually LOVED cute clothes, but because I was so unhappy with the extra 50 pounds I was carrying around, I always tried to cover myself up. Cardigans, scarves, towels at the beach, you name it.
I also found that my eating habits were completely revolving around comfort food. And I had gotten into a “pint-a-day” habit with Ben and Jerry (yes, you read that right), I was completely addicted to sugar, and couldn’t finish a meal without going back to the cabinet for “something else” later.
My husband (then boyfriend at the time) was always super loving and supportive, but when he would make a passing comment about the food I was eating or ANYTHING about my body it made me super defensive. I would make a funny joke and brush it off but secretly I was wanting to crawl into a dark cave and hide.
The most frustrating thing about this period in my life was that I was actually doing some yoga, I was “happy” in lots of ways and had a lot going for me, and I knew a TON about healthy eating. But I felt so stuck and embarrassed BECAUSE I knew so much, but my body wasn’t a reflection of it at all. I felt like a fraud.
But then things started to change. I immersed myself more in the practices of yoga, not just the bendy stuff, but the deep transformative stuff. I started reaching out to friends more and prioritizing girl time even if I would have rather stayed home in my ‘comfy pants’ and watched Netflix. And I found a whole new way of cooking that actually tasted amazing but also helped me have more energy and lose the weight relatively easily.
I also started working with coaches and getting support. Because, what I realized is: “knowing what to do” alone wasn’t going to cut it for me. I needed the accountability to actually “do it” consistently enough to see the results I so deeply desired.
When I brought these pieces together: support, healthy food that I loved to eat, yoga, and the accountability to take consistent action everything changed. I lost 50 pounds, I made tons of new friends, I brought my A-game to work (so much that I systematized things enough to create my own business on the side), I went back to school for nutrition, and I had the energy to do things I never thought possible like participate in triathalons, quit my day job, and finally organize my house 🙂
Because I’ve personally seen how transformative these tools are, I’ve decided to package them all together in an experience that I have always hoped was available but had never found.
Women, Food, and Yoga is a limited-time opportunity to work with me in person in Burlington, Vermont and get my best tools, tips, and recipes for transforming both your body and life. It combines all the critical pieces for lasting transformation in an environment that’s supportive, sacred, and FUN.
If you are in the area I hope you’ll join us. You can get all the details here.
Here’s to you and to possibility…
P.S. As of today, there are just THREE SPOTS LEFT in Women, Food, and Yoga. If you are interested in one of those spots and want to learn more, hit “reply” to this email and let me know.
P.P.S. Here is a rarely-captured photo of myself before using women, food, and yoga to transform my life. I used to grab people’s cameras if they got a shot of me and delete any I thought showed my belly or my double chin (I know, don’t we all :)). Note the flowy dress completely covering up my belly and body…
this is awesome. I believe in the power of positivity. 90% attitude is my mantr. With the right attitude you can accomplish anything. I’m very proud of you. I know the struggle to loose weight is a tough one. Good for you for accomplishing your dream. I resently was involved in a hot and run down in Florida were I was a first mate on a 100 foot yacht, and would be in the Bahamas. It was my dream job. As a result of the accident I suffered many injuries. The worst of wich was the paralyzation of my right arm. Yes I could of given up and hit the bottle and spun out of control. Instead I looked at all the great things in my life and made the best of everything in my life. I’m telling you this to help you inspire others in your journey. Feel free to share my story if you like. The point is to never give up and stay positive because it brought many great things good in my life.
Johnny Markwith
(90% attitude)
Thanks for sharing some of your story with us Johnny! Yes attitude is everything! I love that you chose to look at what was working for you and not the negatives. Loving my life and my body at each moment along the way was crucial in finding long term success. I’m proud of you too! I wish you the very best! xoxo