I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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Grow Your Soul-Centered Business Online in the next 90-Days 

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Total Transformation: The 90-Day Premier Intensive


Are you ready to…

  • Completely transform your body and relationship with food?
  • Learn how finally silence the internal NOISE that cycles in your head when it comes to food and your body so you can get on with your LIFE?
  • Wake up in the morning feeling energized, CONFIDENT, focused, and ready to take on the world (and yes, look good doing it ;))?
  • See your partners eyes light up with desire when you walk into the room and feel more CONNECTED because you aren’t holding back or hiding anymore?
  • Enjoy shopping at your favorite stores without dressing room breakdowns (because now everything you try on looks fabulous!)?
  • Become aware of what’s been holding you back from “figuring this out on your own” or “just getting your sh*t together” so you can gain traction, bust through old patterns, and finally have the results you’ve been wanting? (Because let’s face it… if it was that simple you would have done it by now, right?)
  • Are you ready to set bold goals, take massive action, feel more FREE, and become not just “fit” but UN-FREAKING-STOPPABLE so that you can do what you’re actually meant to do on this planet?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then the 90-Day Total Transformation Premier Intensive was made for you.

I’ll design for you a personalized, science-based yet deeply intuitive nutrition and lifestyle plan that will bring you to your big goals while also helping you embody the grounded, present, authentic, and powerful women you know you’ve been wanting to become (you just weren’t sure quite how to get there until now…)

But first, here’s how I roll:

I have a proven track record for getting MASSIVE results for my clients, and standing by their side as they achieve extraordinary things they never thought possible.

Real results from clients:

  • 40 pound weight loss (WHILE moving AND starting her own business!)
  • 12 pounds gone in 8 just weeks after exercising and calorie counting for YEARS without the scale budging a bit.
  • No longer thinking about food all the time for the first time in 30+ YEARS. (HELLO FREEDOM!)
  • Left a 10 year bad relationship and found true love within WEEKS
  • Started a new side business making multiple thousands a month while eating better, working less, and spending more time with the people she loves (all in just 90 days!).
  • Left her job to pursue her true calling and ended up making MORE money AND lost 10 pounds in the process!

Here’s the thing…

The reason I can help my clients achieve WAY “better than average” results is because we don’t do anything “average.”

We go for GREATNESS.

“Good” is no longer an option for you.

In fact, we don’t do things the traditional way at all (because if you’ve looked around I think you’ll notice traditional diets AREN’T WORKING ANYMORE).

We’re busy women with big dreams, social lives, sh*t to do and businesses to run.

We don’t have time to lock ourselves away for weeks living off salad and diet coke, passing on dinner with friends and cocktails with clients.

We need REALISTIC yet EFFECTIVE holistic tools, techniques and strategies that get you a physical result while also letting you live your life.

SO here are some of my rules:

  • No dieting.
  • No busting your ass at the gym doing workouts you hate.
  • No starving yourself skinny.
  • No holding back.
  • No giving up chocolate (this is a non-negotiable! 😉 Okay, fine…if you really just don’t like chocolate we’ll talk…)

What I do believe in: (AKA what WORKS):

  • Simple, clear, and effective tools and actions that create CHANGE.
  • Helping you reach your ideal weight, get glowing skin, radiant energy, and a clear understanding of what you want to do with your life.
  • Real-life coaching and solutions for tricky situations like: work travel, being social without eating and drinking allll the things, navigating emotional/stress eating, how to eliminate cravings that send you off the rails (looking at YOU baked goods and cookies), feeding a partner or family that hates vegetables, how to break through plateaus, old patterns, beliefs and all the stuff that you know is holding you back you just can’t seem to get out from under it or get to that next level even though you’re doing “a lot of things right.”
  • Answering your questions ONCE AND FOR ALL so you can free up time and energy for other things. Examples: Do I really need to give up coffee? Should I be vegan? Gluten free? Paleo? What’s the deal with soy? What’s that woman on instagram eating that has her look so good? Why has it been 5 days since I went to the bathroom? Why can’t I stop THINKING about food and my body all the time…

When we work together…

You’ll get high-level transformative coaching, a personalized action plan based on your goals, resources and training to get this handled for LIFE, and a whole bunch of other incredible tools to help you on your way:

The Total Transformation 90-Day Premier Intensive Includes…

12 one-one-one 60 minute coaching calls with Krissy where you’ll gain brand new insight and breakthrough what’s been holding you back and keeping you stuck so you can start seeing RESULTS. (value: $3,564)

Personalized notes and recommendations from each call that you can look back on and refer any time you need it (many of my clients refer to these YEARS after their program ends and the breakthroughs keep coming!) (valued at $500)

• Done-for-you recipes for when you need a quick snack idea, healthy app to bring to a party, or dinner idea that you AND your family will rave about. (valued at $35)

Transformational Meditations for stress reduction, deeper connection to your body, and powerful neural-reprogramming in between sessions. (valued at $150)

• Weekly Omwork and action guides to keep you on target with your health and personal development goals. (valued at $60)

VIP access to me in between sessions so you can ask questions, get support and stay motivated throughout your program. (PRICELESS!)

Plus Three of my most sought-after bonuses:

1. Access to the SPARK Kick-starter Training Series, where you’ll learn the fundamentals of my SPARK System for having an amazing life and a body to match (valued at $497)

2. Daily Momentum training and worksheet template for scheduling your life in a revolutionary new way so that you can incorporate self-care, exercise, and healthy home cooking without sacrificing family time, work demands, or sleep!(valued at $35)

3. Access to my Menu Magic Meal Planner that will help you save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bills while eating better and spending less TIME preparing amazing, healthy meals. (valued at $35 plus an additional $20-$100 PER WEEK in savings on take-out and grocery shopping!)

And one more thing…

NEW! Lifetime Access to LIGHT, FIT, AND FREE! 

All of my one-on-one clients now get access to Light, Fit and Free, an 8 week virtual program and training for women who want to lose 5-20 pounds in 8 weeks while creating a lifestyle that puts it all on autopilot. You’ll learn nutrition basics, get targeted workouts and exercises (so you can save on a gym membership!), learn about creating career and financial freedom, up leveling your relationships and developing a spiritual practice.

You’ll also get access to our private Facebook Group, all the trainings, modules, recipes, and meditations to use between your one-on-one sessions with Krissy or you can use this as a way to keep on track long after your coaching package ends! (value: $997)

The value of the 90-Day Total Transformation Premier Intensive is well over $6,000 (and well worth it at that price) but because I am committed to making this accessible and because I want this to be an “easy yes” decision for you to finally have the body, life, and relationship with food that you always hoped was possible, I am offering this program at an investment of:

$6000  –> $2997 (or 3 payments of $999)

Total Savings: $3003

I know it’s a big step to invest in yourself and really commit to taking things to the next level in your body in your life. This SHOULD feel scary, but it should also feel RIGHT. I want to be sure you feel 100% confident that we are the right fit and that I am the one to help you reach your goals.

Here is what some past clients had to say about working with me…


“I have only been working with Krissy for about 6 weeks and my entire perspective on my life has shifted.” – Suzy G.

I cannot say enough positive things about Krissy. I have only been working with Krissy for about 6 weeks and my entire perspective on my life has shifted. I have struggled with my weight/body image/relationship with food, etc. since puberty. I realized (through working with Krissy) that I had given up hope in ever finding peace in those areas.  The comfort level I feel with Krissy was instantaneous which has enabled me to explore great depths of myself in a short period of time.  I have broken fear barriers and tried new things that I have been crippled by fear to do in the past. She knows her stuff. Not only because she is so well-studied, but because she has lived the struggle herself. I am a professional counselor and have seen counselors/therapists myself. I have never found work on myself to be this gratifying, enjoyable, and FUN. It’s the best thing that has happened in my life in years.

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“I lost weight – AND got a whole new perspective on my life.” -Becky D.

I met Krissy in Jan, 2014. I started working with her in the spring of ’14 to lose weight. I lost 40 pounds – AND got a whole new perspective on my life. She is supportive and wonderful and will tailor your program to fit you and your life. She’s not for everyone though – she’s not for you if you want an exact formula to follow, if you want a rigid plan, if you want a grueling exercise plan or if you’re afraid to take a long look in the mirror. However – if you want to totally transform your body, your life and your mindset – Sign up with Krissy now. She promises an amazing life and body to match and she delivers!

Ready to get STARTED? Here’s what to do next…

1. Make your initial payment. You can choose one of two options

OPTION ONE: 3 payments of $999

OPTION TWO: 1 payment of $2997.

Please make your payment now using the secure Paypal checkout link below.

Payment Options

2. Once you make your payment, you will receive a welcome message with your next steps including scheduling your first session.

3. We’ll meet via phone for our first session!

Still not quite sure if this program is right for you?

Sign up below for a FREE 30-minute Total-Transformation Strategy Session to confidently choose the program that is right for you. Either way we’ll talk and get to know each other a bit, you’ll get some great insight into what’s holding you back, AND you’ll know what to do next.

You can schedule your Strategy Session here.

In the meantime, check out more success stories here.



Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

Learn more

When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


© Kristen Leonard LLC 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design Credit