★ Do you desire MASSIVE CLARITY on how to move forward in your business and life?
★ Do you know, deep down you’re MEANT FOR MORE – yet you find yourself holding back or staying small?
★ Do you want true FINANCIAL FREEDOM – with money to travel, invest, and pay for the things you want without thinking twice?
★ Do you desire a safe and supportive space to dive deep and cultivate the CONFIDENCE to boldly take the next steps forward?
★Do you want to do WORK THAT MATTERS – that changes lives and fulfills you on a soul level – while also making a great living?
★Are you ready to embody ABUNDANCE AND EASE so that you can receive more income AND have a bigger impact than you ever imagined?
Then you are in the right place!
I used to want the same things.
Just a few short years ago I was really struggling.
I had a “good job,” benefits and all the outer stuff that was supposed to make me feel accomplished, happy, and fulfilled.
But deep down I knew life had to be about more than working like crazy, eating and drinking to cope with stress, and telling myself “I should be grateful” or “hey, it could be worse…”
I needed to find a way out.
I started to combine various practices that I had learned over the years including visualization, journaling, meditation, connecting to my intuition and to the divine….
and as I did, miracles started to happen in every area of my life:
- I manifested a healthy relationship with food and my body and lost 50 pounds after struggling with food issues for DECADES.
- I applied these principles to my work and income and got best performance reviews of my life, and went on to create a six-figure, soul-centered business that allows me to do work I love from anywhere in the world.
- And when I found myself single after an 11 year partnership ended, I used these exact steps in my relationship to call in my dream man just 2 HOURS after I declared I was ready.
But all of that wasn’t the best part.
The best part was feeling like I owned my life and had a say in how it turned out.
I finally felt FREE.
I no longer constantly asked myself “what I was doing with my life” or waiting “until one day” – I had learned to secret to creating it NOW.
I tried this out with my one-on-one clients and the same 5-step method has worked for them too:
Manifestation Magic

Now, I want to share this simple but powerful method with YOU!
“Manifestation” is a trendy topic these days, yet so many heart-centered, spiritual women struggle to create the income, impact, and intimacy they truly desire.
It’s because they’re often missing one (or more) KEY steps – without which make it almost impossible to create any real transformation or lasting change.
The good news is: when you have the right steps, in the right order, magic happens – and QUICKLY.
MANIFEST: 5 Steps to Creating the Income and Impact You Desire is a special deep-dive training and home-study course to use to:
★ create massive clarity and confidence in your work and life
★ call in more clients or the big promotion, and hit your financial goals with greater ease
★ stop holding yourself back
★ understand that the universe WANTS you to be abundant, and that you stepping into your gifts, confidence, and money-making magic is of high service to the world.
★ create massive breakthroughs around what’s been blocking you from manifesting what you want in every area of your life.
It’s time to get to the root of what’s been holding you back, and forge a new path to your best income yet!
Manifestation Magic
Here’s how it works:
- As soon as you make your payment, you’ll receive instant access to the 2-hour training.
- The training was recorded live with over 70 women from around the world holding space and creating an insanely powerful container for you to tap into.
- You’ll be guided through learning the method on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level so it becomes second nature.
- You’ll have unlimited replays and access for the lifetime of the program.
★ PLUS: Access to my private Facebook Group to ask questions, get support, and share your manifestation milestones.
★ PLUS: How to Use Journaling to Manifest Your Next Level Desires: journaling is a powerful tool for manifesting. I’ll share with you the EXACT prompts and affirmations I used to manifest all the things.
Manifestation Magic
“It’s been amazing watching things I visioned come to life! Now I am a month away from marrying the love of my life (and our relationship is rock solid and better than ever!), I am feeling awesome in my body, I feel strong and glowing and even other people have commented, we moved in to a new house that is basically my dream Vermont house!, and I’m buying myself my dream car in a couple weekends. All of this done without breaking the bank! As I float around my house I have deja vu because it is exactly what I envisioned during our session. I keep thinking of you and all the big things you helped me with but also the small things that have clicked into place too. So THANK YOU!” ~Diana [Entrepreneur]
“I have taken a wish and turned it into a true offering. I have been thinking about creating a course for over 2 years and couldn’t see how to do it or if people needed it. Now I created both offerings! I would strongly recommend Krissy services to other women trying to find their place in the world and with great ideas but no structure yet.” ~ Erin [Entrepreneur]
“I have more clarity and direction in my business. I have grown both as a person and a business owner and can see my own confidence in what I do. Krissy knows how to touch minds and hearts, and can really help elevate you and your business in a short period of time.” ~ Steph [Entrepreneur]
Are you ready?
Take a deep breath, my love, and get ready to have your mind blown!
I am SO honored to share this work with you. It literally changed my life and I’ve seen it transform the lives of all of the women I serve.
You are about to learn the secrets to getting ANYTHING YOU WANT.
As soon as you say “YES!” and click the button below you’ll be directed to make your secure payment and get INSTANT ACCESS.
The MANIFEST deep dive is valued at over:
Get it NOW for just:

**As you make your purchase, I encourage you to do so with intention. This is not another course to listen to in the background and keep doing life as usual. I don’t take your investment lightly. You are about to enter a powerful container of sacred support and manifestation magic. Please enter this commitment with intention and conviction that this will change the course of your life… because it will.
Hi, I’m Krissy Leonard.
I’m a Business and Marketing Coach with a proven track record of helping women create more income and impact without sacrificing their soul (and look and feel amazing doing it).
I combine yogic philosophy, business strategy, feminine arts, spiritual techniques, and science-based tools from modern psychology to help you create the body, business, and life you really want.