I'm Krissy!

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, and expertise.

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Grow Your Soul-Centered Business Online in the next 90-Days 

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Aligned Earning: Awakening Feminine Leadership

A 5-month Mastermind for women who want to increase their earning, scale their business to six-figures, and cultivate the confidence and clarity to fully step into their brilliance.

If you are like most soul-centered woman entrepreneurs….

  • You’ve had success in your business or career, but you know, deep down, you’re meant for more.

  • You want to make a meaningful impact through your work – yet you’re bogged down by all the nitty gritty of your biz and things aren’t quite clicking they way you want them to.

  • You see other women get what you want: clarity, confidence, amazing branding, and a great income – you wish someone would give you the roadmap to do this for yourself – but in a way that feels aligned for YOU.

  • You’d love to scale your business to six-figures and beyond… without burning out, losing sight of your priorities in life, and feeling like a crazy woman along the way.

  • You’re smart and willing to put in the work…but you hold back: not posting on social media, feeling unclear on your branding, writing and re-writing courses without a successful launch, putting off raising your rates, shying away from effective high-converting sales calls, and generally feel that there’s more you could be sharing with the world.

Here’s the deal..

Building a business can be challenging, lonely, and scary AF. 

It’s so easy to “do” all day but not actually get the big pieces done that drive your business and brand forward. 

It’s easy to get stuck in self-doubt, procrastination, telling stories about how great other people are doing, feeling disconnected, isolated and like it’s never going to finally “click” for you.

The truth is, we need you showing up in your business and in your life at your FULL POTENTIAL. 

Awakened women will be the ones who change the world. 

It’s time to get the training and support needed to create not only more money, but MASTERY in your business and in your personal life so that you can have the resources, energy, and confidence to be a force for positive change in the world.

This is what it means to awaken your feminine leadership – it means doing the deeper work necessary to get out of the chaotic, frantic vibe that is the default of today’s world and lead with your heart, with your inner knowing, and with your Goddess-given ambition + intuition in order to make more money in less time, and cultivating the energetic and time freedom to be fully PRESENT in your life and with those you love.

That is why you are HERE 

You’ve been looking for the next aligned investment in your biz that will take you beyond cookie cutter courses and “six-figure blueprints” and into the deeper work that will allow you to EMBODY the message of your business and brand and fully step into your brilliance, your leadership, and into your next level of aligned earning. 

Imagine over the course of the next 5 months…

  • Doubling or tripling your monthly income

  • Increasing your rates and creating offerings and products that change lives

  • Mastering sales calls so that 80% end in a “yes” (ie less time = more money)

  • Finally putting into ACTION all the ideas you’ve had swirling around in your brain

  • Having your yearly calendar set so you know EXACTLY where to focus each month to meet your income goals

  • Getting your email, social media, courses, production, and work flow streamlined so that you create a steady flow of income

  • Fully stepping into your thought leadership and really OWNING your work in the world so that you can truly BECOME the woman you want to be

  • Making life-long professional connections and being surrounded by other epic women and that will support you, call you out on your bullshit, lovingly hold you accountable, as you step into what’s truly possible for you.

  • Having my expert eye and intuitive business intel available to you over next 5 months with crystal clear direction based on YOUR BUSINESS and GOALS, so you can stop spinning your wheels and be FULLY ACCOUNTABLE to creating powerful RESULTS.

Sound like a good way to EXPAND in 2021?

Are you ready to step into a container of support, deep wisdom, and accountability where you will learn step-by-step how to increase your earning and impact over the next 5 months?


Here’s what we’ll cover in Aligned Earning: Awakening Feminine Leadership:

Month 1

Mindset and building your FOUNDATION

  • Learn the key mindset shifts you need to scale to six figures and beyond.
  • Get clear on your goals for your personal and professional life.
  • Create a rock-solid foundation for your business.
  • Clarify your CORE MESSAGE (this will make EVERYTHING in your business and brand POP and get you feeling confident and clear on how to move forward).
  • Learn how to position your business to attract high-paying clients (so you can make more money in less time).
  • You’ll develop, or refine 2 INCREDIBLE offerings – 1 big and 1 small – nail down your premium pricing.
  • Create a simplified business plan that will lay out your quickest path to profit over the next 6 months. 

Month 2 


  • Learn how to harness your energy, structure your schedule for maximum productivity and increase your daily pleasure.
  • You’ll look at the excuses you’ve been making in both your business and your life when it comes to doing what you are capable of.
  • Learn my method for overcoming obstacles to receiving more income and impact.
  • Map our your daily rituals and learn how to STICK TO THEM.
  • Learn the powerful techniques and mindset shifts that my clients use to get in the best physical shape of their life while building a profitable soul-centered business (yes this is a thing). 
  • You’ll learn how to awaken your feminine leadership by not only making more money, but doing so from a place of sacredness, deep connection, magnetism, joy, pleasure and ease (no pushing, stressing, or scammy sales techniques/funnels necessary).

Month 3 



  • Take a deeper look at the energy you bring to your relationships: with others, with clients and yourself.
  • Explore your relationship with money, your, work, and with the flow of time so that you can recalibrate to receive more income, intimacy, and abundance. 
  • Learn how to build unforgettable relationships with your clients and potential clients, up-level your branding to reflect your soul-centered message.
  • Build visibility through mastering the art of networking, soul-centered speaking (if you choose), sharing your thought leadership and crafting unique experiences for your clients that keep them coming back for more (and referring their friends!) FYI This is THE fastest path to the cash. 

Month 4



  • Learn how to get your most abundant and aligned vibe yet
  • Step into your brilliance
  • OWN your place as a woman leader
  • Learn how to ACTIVATE this same energy in your clients so they feel inspired to step into THEIR greatness as well.
  • I’ll share with you exactly how I structure my business behind the scenes and how I manage my own inner critic, self-doubt, anxiety, and stress so that you can make 5-figures a month without it feeling like a thing.
  • Get my method for automating your systems for greater impact, how to scale your business to six-figures and beyond (because you can)
  • Learn how to create group courses (like this one!)
  • Learn how to hire your first team (when you’re ready)
  • Learn how to access next-level confidence so that you can lead from a place of service, joy, and deep alignment in your work.

Month 5 

Service and Sacred Contracts with Spirit


  • You will be invited to a special 3-day Virtual Retreat where we will take everything to the NEXT LEVEL and you will receive a major energetic up-leveling to drive everything in your business forward faster. 
  • You’ll integrate everything your learned in the 5 months and I’ll lead you through a powerful method for staying in this higher-vibration state.
  • You’ll refine your strategies, systems, and sales processes.
  • You will implement, implement, implement everything you learned in the program, set your next big money goal, and be held accountable to reaching it.

You also have the option to add on FOUR 60-minute one-on-one calls with Krissy to use throughout the 5 months to get personalized support, customize the program for your biz, and implement the pieces specific to your business. This is where the big magic happens. 

Marion Pope
Art Therapist

In just 3 months, I created a business plan for my private practice, launched my website, and I’m currently booking clients!

I also lost weight, feel more energetic, purchased my dream home and got engaged! There is much greater alignment in every part of my life. I did things I never thought I would be able to do (especially in such a short time).

Kassi Underwood
Writer and Coach
Massachusetts and NYC

Krissy turned me into a bestselling author and helped me to follow my true calling – I now have a career that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning!

How do I do Krissy justice in a single paragraph?! When I started working with her, I had a book that had tanked and a negative-balance bank account. Krissy turned me into a bestselling author and helped me to follow my true calling–terrified as I was, and I was fucking terrified–and build a business from the ground up. I now have a career that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning. This work is so much deeper than brass tacks (though brass tacks is a very important part of this work); it’s about finding out who you are. Krissy has a gift for accessing my authenticity, whether I’m emailing to my career idol or creating my brand strategy. She is my go-to for all things business. Without her guidance, I wouldn’t be living my purpose or my dreams. She’s magical, she’s brilliant, she’s blessed with a spiritual and financial X factor.

The Mastermind begins in April and goes 5 months, ending in August.

We’ll meet virtually via zoom (video call, super easy to use) for training, coaching, and Q and A calls.

We’ll meet for a very special deep dive 1/2 day planning retreat at the beginning of the Mastermind to get to know everyone and clarify your goals for the 5 months. 

You will also receive a 3-day virtual retreat for an depth training, business building, and feminine arts toward the end of the Mastermind.

1 Monthly Live Business and Income-Building Group Training Call with Krissy: you’ll receive high-level business building strategies to bring your income and impact to the next level – you’ll get big picture perspective AND the nitty gritty action steps to take to build your business and your income in an aligned way.

1 Monthly Live Group Coaching/Q and A Call: you don’t just get a bunch of information/theory in this Mastermind – you ALSO have the opportunity to ask specific questions and get coaching around your own inner obstacles to increasing your earning, productivity and confidence. You’ll learn how to THINK like a six-figure entrepreneur, which is what ultimately will build your business the fastest.

Get-It-Done Sessions with Krissy throughout the 5 months: so often we sign up for programs where we get a bunch of action steps, no support, get overwhelmed and end up not making any real progress. Not in Aligned Earning. We will have regular, scheduled calls to GET TO WORK and take MASSIVE ACTION toward your big goals. You will be amazed by what you can get off your plate in these work sessions.  

Facebook group to ask Krissy or the group questions and receive feedback and support between calls: every wish you could just ask someone who already has what you want how to do all the things? Wish you could just KNOW what to do and stop second guessing yourself? Want to feel less isolated and actually get SUPPORT as you go BIG in your business? this is where the Facebook group comes in. Tag me with any question you have over the 5 months. Get answers. Get support. Keep moving forward. 

A 1/2 Day Mini Planning Retreat and a 3-Day Virtual Deep Dive Retreat! Get to know the ladies from the Mastermind (and me!) on a whole new level, practice self-care and learn about how sacred feminine arts can amplify your magnetism and impact in your work and life. We will work on building our business as well as our connection to each other, our sacred mission, and the divine. 

(included in the standard and VIP Mastermind Option)

  • 1/2 Day Virtual Retreat in April
  • PLUS a 3-Day Deep Dive Virtual Retreat, Fri-Sun in early August
  • Retreats will include live trainings, guest speakers, action steps, and rituals
  • (Retreats Valued at over $3,000)

Jumpstart – even before the course begins you will make the most of your investment by getting clear on your goals and how to set the conditions for inevitable success ($297 value)

Website in a Weekend – learn how to up-level the branding and messaging on your website to attract your ideal client ($497 value)

How to Set Up Your Finances and Accounting – learn how to go pro in your business. I’ll share with you exactly how I track finances and bank accounts, pay taxes, and register a legit business. ($500 value)

Make your First (or next) $5k Business Building Checklist – learn exactly what to do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on when creating your business during the program and beyond!  ($1800 value)

The Best Apps For Building your Biz – learn which apps and programs will help you build your business in less time and with more organization.  ($100 value)

A Little Bit Of Legal – how to protect yourself, your business and your products. Get my done-for-you legal contracts, terms and conditions and best practices. ($500 value)

How to Host Sold-Out Workshops that Fill Your Practice: I’ll share with you how I filled my entire practice and made my first $50k using in-person workshops! Get my word-for-word script, outlines, evaluations, and email sign up sheets. ($997 value)

How to Run Your Social Media Like a Pro: learn which apps to use to organize content and post regularly without having to spend hours worrying about what to say.  ($97 value)

How to Create Gorgeous Branding and Marketing Materials on the cheap: Save that $150 an hour on a designer and see how I create beautiful graphics and templates that up-level your brand and make you look like a pro in no time at all. ($47 value)

How to Get Killer Testimonials for Your Website: Learn how to gather incredible testimonials that make your website come alive and position you as an expert – even if you are just starting out.  ($150 value)


PLUS! Sign up before March 1st – receive early bird pricing (save $500) 

Johanna Setta
Nutrition Consultant

I started my business, launched my website, and signed my first THREE paying clients in 90 days working with Krissy.

Krissy helped me reach all my big goals while still feeling like ME.  She’s firm when she needs to be firm and kind when she needs to be kind, it’s no-nonsense. You’re going to get the resources and tools you need to get where you want to go.

Brandy Oswald,
Women’s Fertility

I signed my first 24 closing the deal sessions during my first talk using Krissy’s method.  

I have a completely different business than the one I started! Krissy allowed me to get deep into the passion behind my work, to be risky, to be courageous, and to really be in service. That was probably the biggest shift for me – to release the pushing and driving behind business and really be in service. It allowed me to get out of my business-brain and into the deeper connection to the work I’m doing, the impact I hope to have, and how to use my life as an act of service – which is really what I’ve always wanted. I love that I could really feel how invested she was in me and my success. It was clear that she really cares. I love that. I love how simple she made the road to entrepreneurial success. I hate that the message in society is that to start a business you have to give up your life, work til you’re strung out, and have zero fun.   Krissy not only delivers the practical tools to launch a business, but also the deeper work needed to connect to your message and purpose and to stay connected to that in all that you do.

Mastermind – Level 1: All elements WITHOUT private calls

$2900 PAY IN FULL or $600/month for 5 months

Mastermind – Level 2: All elements + 4 calls

$3400 PAY IN FULL or $700/month for 5 months

We have just 12 spots in the Aligned Earning Mastermind.

Want to see if this is the right fit for you and your business? 
Let’s talk. Email me here to schedule a free no-obligation call.

Stephanie Papadakis,
Nutrition and Empowerment

I have more clarity and direction in my business, I know how to block schedule my time to maximize productivity, I have worked on my inner sense of self and done the hard work, I learned how to have successful closing the deal conversations to get new clients. I loved that Krissy was so intuitive and was able to reflect back the things that I was thinking and feeling, both about my business and myself. I have grown both as a person and a business owner and can see my own confidence in what I do. Krissy knows how to touch minds and hearts, and can really help elevate you and your business in a short period of time.


I’m a world-traveling holistic nutrition coach turned business and marketing strategist obsessed with helping women experience more FREEDOM in their body, business and life. 

I quickly climbed the ranks in traditional business: working in advertising, public relations, event management, and holding senior leadership and top sales positions for multi-million dollar business. But I decided to leave that world behind to help women make more money doing work they love. 

I’ve cracked the code when it comes to making more income and impact, grossing six-figures while traveling 3 months+ out of the year, working from my laptop from anywhere, helping change the lives of countless women. 

Krissy Leonard International is on track to gross a half million in sales by 2025. 

We are an all-women team, employing women from all over the world, and work in partnership with womenforwomen.org to help women in developing countries gain the confidence, resources, training, and rights needed to do their good work in the world too. 

It is my firm belief that we need awakened women doing meaningful work in this world more than ever before.

We need more time and space to raise our own children, take rest, be creative, enjoy life, sex, and the magic of being alive. 

Most importantly we need more free, empowered, and awakened women changing the fate of our world through their good work.

To me this training is a must-have for any woman who wants greater income and impact – and who’s ready to make this the year they make it happen.  

I truly hope you join us!!

With love,

Diana Stewart

It’s been amazing watching things I visioned with Krissy come to life. I am a month away from marrying the love of my life (and our relationship is rock solid and better than ever!), I am feeling awesome in my body, I feel strong and glowing and even other people have commented, we moved in to a new house that is basically my dream Vermont house!, and I’m buying myself my dream car in a couple weekends. All of this done without breaking the bank! As I float around my house I have deja vu because it is exactly what I envisioned during our first session.

Erin Jackman
Bookkeeper and Financial
Freedom Consultant

I have taken a wish and turned it into a true offering. I have been thinking about running a budgeting or Quickbooks course for over 2 years and couldn’t see how to do it or if people needed it. Now I created both offerings! I would strongly recommend Krissy services to other women trying to find their place in the world and with great ideas but no structure yet. 


Hi, I'm Krissy.
Your BFF + New Creative Coach.

I’ll help you cut through the noise of internet marketing and show you what it really takes to create a highly profitable business aligned with your soul purpose, unique gifts, talents, and expertise. I’m all about that woo-woo life but live for solid biz + marketing strategies that allow you to make more money in less time so that you can free up your time and energy to create a meaningful LIFE. 

Learn more

When you create a business in alignment with Spirit all that is needed comes through you as an act of love and service for the world. You can truly create anything you want in this life. I’m here to show you how. 


© Kristen Leonard LLC 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design Credit