Alright party people – get your happy face on because I’m about to announce something BIG!!!
I hope this picture made you laugh as much as I did but seriously I’m SO glad you’re here.
If you’re reading this right now I know you are READY (even if you don’t know it yet ;)) to commit to transforming your body, your mindset, and all those pesky bad habits that have been holding you back so that you can feel light, fit, and ready for summer without worrying about your weight or having to cover up at the beach.
Sound good? Alright let’s make it happen.
Here is the deal.
I am running a special test pilot challenge group that will start Monday 6/22 (don’t worry I’ll give you some things to work while you’re waiting so that you’re feeling awesome before it even starts).
The 21 Day Fix Summer Challenge is a way to breakthrough unhealthy habits and cravings, to hit the reset button on your health, and to jumpstart your weight loss journey (if that is your goal).
I’m partnering with company called BeachBody (they’re a well-known fitness company with a proven track record) to bring you a results-based nutrition and fitness program in addition to a fun, interactive, group coaching experience.
This program combines super simple, healthy whole foods nutrition with targeted 30-minute exercises that will strengthen, lengthen and tone your muscles (and yes I said 30 minutes – that’s it! Plus whatever summer frolicking, dancing, swimming, hiking etc that you want to throw in) AND my transformational coaching method that will help you weed out self sabotage so you can keep the results (because you WILL get results and you WILL want to keep them).
We’re going to all begin and end TOGETHER. No one quits.
We’ll be connected through a private Facebook page where we can share recipes, hold each other accountable and check in daily
>>>SIDE NOTE: In case you haven’t heard, accountability is the magic sauce that keeps you remembering what you want and who you want to be. It is CRITICAL for making changes. For some bizarre reason we show up for others before we show up for ourselves. Without accountability we start “doing all the healthy things all the time” but then somehow veer off track (hello pizza and beer) end up back where we started. Sound familiar? So get ready to say buh-bye to self sabotage, teetering off, and the urge to go wildly off track when no one’s looking – because we are in this together and we ARE NOT going to let you give up on yourself).<<<
If you decide to be part of this challenge group, here’s what you’ll get:
– 30 day supply of Shakeology (you’ll drink this every morning, it comes in lots of different flavors and tastes amazing!)
-21 day fix nutritional guide from BeachBody and color-coded portion containers so you can eat delicious whole foods throughout the 21 days without calorie counting – it’s super simple and fun.
-21 day fix workout CDs (cardio, Pilates, yoga, and strengthening and toning exercises that only take 30 minutes a day)
-30 day free trial/access to BeachBody on demand so you can stream your fix workouts or other fun ones like Brazilian butt lift 😉 and hip hop abs (my favs)
– my support and transformational coaching techniques (mindset and lifestyle shifts that help you create habits that stick)
– access to our private facebook group
– a guarantee that you’ll be feeling hot fit and fabulous in time for summer! (Woo hoo!)
The investment
I’m offering this at a super discount in exchange for your feedback as part of my test group. You’ll get $70 off the program via my partnership with BeachBody if you order through my link (BELOW) plus my coaching – free! ($299 value).
This package when I make it public will be $497. But I know your feedback is invaluable when it comes to creating the best program I can for women like us who want to be fit, strong and slender without diets or deprivation (and of course it must include good food, chocolate and wine!)
You’ll get everything above and guaranteed results (seriously look up Beach Body 21-Day Fix transformations on YouTube the results speak for themselves) for just $140 if you are part of the group.
What do you think? Are you in?
If so just use this special link below to order your kit and send me an email or FB message to let me know you are in so I can set you up in the group! I also made a video for you below that spells it all out.
Are you ready to kick some ass and get this party started? If so, I would LOVE to have you and your energy in the group.
Your Next Steps to Enroll in the 21-Day Challenge
1. CLICK THIS LINK to order your goodies (Shakeology, workout DVDs, portion containers etc) ****do this ASAP so you can get your kit in time for the challenge on 6/22 or before****
2. Watch THIS VIDEO for a quick video guide to get you all set up.
3. Send me an email here. Or Facebook message me when you have placed your order so I can add you to the Facebook Challenge Group.
4. Once I get your email saying you’ ve ordered and you are IN, I’ll add you to the FB group and send you some more info. In the meantime start getting clear on the changes you would like to make over the next few weeks to your diet and lifestyle and start making it happen NOW. Begin imagining how great its going to feel when you are feeling fit, strong, toned and PROUD you will feel come mid July!
Optional: Watch this VIDEO 🙂 where I explain everything to you “in person.” Let me know if you have questions by messaging me or emailing me.
Here we go!!
PS.. do you know any other ladies that would want to do this with us? Let me know!! The only hitch is they need to be awesome 😉 (ie committed, kind, and willing to stretch themselves while supporting others in a positive way).